Find ex-Google employees to review your resume and help you get interviews at Google

Easily schedule a 1h call with a Google expert to get feedback on your resume. Improve how you position yourself, rewrite parts of your resume, and regain confidence.

resume coaches available right now


Michelle, coached by Vivian
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“Vivian was great! She immediately began to work with me and my concerns regarding my resume and after our initial meeting, I began to see my resume differently. I'm happy to have met with her and look forward to meeting her again!“
Jul 29, 2024
Lindsay, coached by José
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“Jose gave very tangible feedback and was able to provide great insight based on his previous experience in FAANG companies. Highly recommend and will return to see Jose again!“
May 23, 2024
Cordarryl, coached by Robert
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“Robert was exceptional to work with and I am looking forward to working with him in the near future. He went above and beyond with reviewing my resume, practicing/critiquing my interviewing skills and even providing some career advice. I would highly recommend working with him! Thank you Robert!“
May 08, 2024
Rishi, coached by Mark
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“I did a resume review with Mark. In addition to providing some great feedback on my resume, he provided some very good career guidance on positioning myself for the roles that I'm targeting. Much appreciated and hope to work with Mark again.“
Dec 14, 2023
Joep, coached by Kevin
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“Kevin coached me to improve my resume. He was very meticulous and came up with helpful suggestions. I left the session with a clear action plan and above all, a renewed optimism to go after the job that I want!“
Jul 06, 2023
Shana, coached by Kevin
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“Kevin was super kind and helpful! I’ve been so confused on why tech companies weren’t understanding my cpg experience, and Kevin helped me figure out how to better reflect my experience in the industry’s language.“
Apr 22, 2023

Review your resume with a Google coach if you want to:

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Get more interview calls. Understand what recruiters are looking for and increase your application success rate.
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Get feedback on your resume. Review your resume’s structure, formatting and individual sections to make improvements.
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Improve how you position yourself. Discuss what parts of your background and what competencies to focus on.
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Rewrite specific bullet points. Quantify your achievements and make your experience standout.
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Validate your overall job hunting strategy. Identify what roles and companies to target and how to go about it.
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Regain confidence and energy. Walk away with a clear plan that will help you get more interviews and get an offer.
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100% satisfaction guarantee

If you aren’t satisfied with your resume service for any reason, get in touch with us within 24h and we’ll refund you.

Our coaches are ex-Google recruiters and interviewers. Our service is easy to use.

Purchase your 1h coaching session

Once you’ve purchased your 1h coaching session, you’ll be able to schedule a resume review with any coach from your account. All coaches have been vetted by our team. They have extensive resume screening experience and a passion for making others successful.

Screenshot of the cart page with 1h coaching session session added1h coaching session$149.00$149.00$149.00

1h coaching session

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Schedule your session and upload your resume

Coaches only need 12h notice to be booked. So, you could have your resume reviewed as early as today. You simply need to pick a coach, upload your resume and answer a few simple questions about yourself so they can prepare for the session.

Illustration showing scheduling process

Get feedback on your resume over a 1h video call

At the time of the session, you’ll login to a video call to meet your coach. They’ll walk through the resume to give you feedback on how to improve it and answer any questions you might have. If time allows, they’ll also start editing parts of the resume with you. You’ll be in touch with your coach over email before and after the session so you can ask any questions you have.

Coach gives valuable feedback in a video call

Get multiple interview invitations!

Getting an interview is the hardest part of the process. Our team can help maximize your chances of getting multiple interview invitations from top companies. Coaching is a small investment (e.g. ~$150) that can make a huge difference to your annual income (e.g. ~$200,000+) and career trajectory.

Email box with multiple interview invitations

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Join 1074 active candidates getting coached right now.

Get feedback on your resume that you can apply immediately to land interview invitations for Google and other top companies.