Taku got an offer as a Product manager at Meta

Headshot of Taku
Name Taku K
New Position Product manager at Meta
Location San Francisco, California (USA)
Date of Offer December 2021
Coaching Sessions 3

What most excites you about your new job?

I get to work on a product I use everyday, impacting over a billion people.

Where were you previously?

I was at STRIVR (a VR-base learning platform for enterprises).

What was your preparation strategy?

I spent a few weeks preparing. Here's how: First of all, the Facebook/Meta recruiter shared some internal videos and guides, so I went through them very thoroughly. Once I had an understanding of the scope, I read a lot of articles and checked videos on Facebook PM interview prep, taking notes to summarize the information. For the behavioral interviews, I wrote up my stories and "lessons learned" that would address the key questions listed in the IGAO guide. Once I felt I've got basics ready, I went through 3 mocks with coaches and ~5 peer mock interviews. Some were just on behavioral questions. After each mock interview, I worked the feedback into my notes in order to adapt and improve my approach.

What was the hardest part of the whole interview process?

I found my first behavioral interview pretty tough. I wasn't 100% sure what to expect or how the interviewer would approach it, and I don't think I did a great job.

Was there a question from any of the interviews that stood out?

Well, one was "How would you improve a shopping mall?".

What advice would you give to other candidates?

Enjoy it! Cases (product sense, execution) should be fun for PMs to think about, and behavioral questions are a good reflection of your past experience and skills. Once you feel you are just enjoying it, then it's ready.

What coaches would you recommend working with?

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